Sustainable agriculture not only has environmental benefits, but also social benefits. By promoting sustainable agriculture practices, we can help improve the lives of farmers and rural communities around the world. 

One of the key social benefits of sustainable agriculture is increased food security. Sustainable agriculture practices can help increase yields and improve the quality of crops, which can help ensure that farmers have enough food to feed themselves and their families. This can help reduce hunger and malnutrition, particularly in developing countries.

In addition to improving food security, sustainable agriculture can also help promote economic development. By adopting sustainable practices, farmers can reduce their costs and increase their incomes, which can help lift them out of poverty. Sustainable agriculture can also create new jobs and opportunities in rural areas, helping to stimulate local economies.

Sustainable agriculture can help promote social justice and equity. By improving access to land, water, and other resources, sustainable agriculture can help ensure that all members of society have equal opportunities to succeed. This can help reduce inequality and promote social cohesion, which can have long-term benefits for communities and societies.